Mitt Romney and the Future of Cuba

This post should be very simple, because the situation by itself is simple and clear. If Romney comes to the White House there is no doubt what will be his policy towards Cuba: he will get back to what didn't work for more than 50 years. Or do I have to correct myself?: he will return to what didn't work in order to get the Castros out of power, but worked very efficiently in order to generate more limitations and more suffering for Cuban people.

In his now proverbial ambiguity Romney said not long ago: "If I'm fortunate to become the next President of the United States it's my expectation that Fidel Castro will finally be taken off this planet...". We could not understand whether is Romney intending to assassinate Castro or is he putting everything in God's hands, but we know for sure that Fidel Castro should be laughing and saying: "Romney as the US President? Over my dead body!

But what is very clear is that if he becomes the next President of the United States he will:
  • Reinstate Travel & Remittance Restrictions
  • Adhere to the Helms-Burton Act
  • Represents ONLY the rights of those who have live and profited from Cuba-U.S dispute in the last 50 years. 

Then, how will Cubans vote in November?

It's a simple question too, with a simple answer: 

1. Those who don't want communism in Cuba, but care about their families, care about the real (not only "political") suffering of the Cuban people, those WILL VOTE OBAMA. Those who don't want communism in Cuba, but want to have the right and the liberty of visiting their families and sending them economical help (the same way tha usually do all other immigrants in the United States and in the whole world), those WILL VOTE OBAMA. Those who don't want communism in Cuba, but are tired of the same rhetoric of 5 decades, those WILL VOTE OBAMA.

2. Those who don't want communism in Cuba, but have not already, or have little family in Cuba and do not care if they eat or not eat, if they have medicines or not, those WILL VOTE ROMNEY. Those who don't want communism in Cuba and use to travel to Europe, Las Vegas or Hawaii and have no reason to travel to Cuba, those WILL VOTE ROMNEY. Those who don't want communism in Cuba, but in fact do not want the end of it because they have many things to lose if it that happens, those WILL VOTE ROMNEY.

With Romney at the wheel there is no other future for Cuban people than the one they already have experimented for so many years. With Obama and the slow, but firm current development of the relationships between the two countries, there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel... and this is something that has to be said out loud, with an accent or without it. - 11/04/2008

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